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The horror condition of the covid-19


The horror condition of the covid-19: A sociological analysis

There is a saying, 'Alas, whoever leaves, he understands, what a pain in separation! 

'In the second week of February, 2020, the World Health Organization named "Covid-19" an acronym for "Coronavirus Disease 2019".

People's lives are being ruined. As a result, various problems are appearing in every country and region of the world. And some of the problems arising out of the epidemic were briefly highlighted:

Global stagnation

The world was busy a few days ago. People used to run around to earn a living. The bus terminals, launch terminals, and train stations were overflowing with people. People have run from one place to another in the pursuit of life. People who work day and night for their families, society and the state are today trapped in their homes. Starting from the village, the busy places of the city are now almost empty of people. Economic transactions, imports and exports are all almost closed now. The coronavirus has kept people indoors and has created a global stalemate.

Travel and transportation closed

A country's economic trade depends a lot on the country's tourism industry. People are generally aesthetic and travel-loving. So people run from one place to another in the pull of beauty. To visit various beautiful places and to acquire knowledge. But at present, travel is banned in almost all countries of the world. The current epidemic has shut down almost everything on earth. Travel is strictly prohibited. As a result, people are not able to visit the places of interest, again all the important places of the country have been closed. People have to live inside certain areas. So that the deadly virus called corona virus does not spread from one area to another.

Death procession

An average of three to four thousand people die every day on earth and the number is steadily increasing. Every day thousands of people are infected with the corona virus. Fear, panic, all the people of the world. Children, young people, old people are all infected with this virus. Death on earth does not seem to stop. The virus, which has spread from China's One City, is killing hundreds of people around the world. Every day new names are being added to the death procession.

Breakdown of health system

The health system of almost every country in the world is now broken. Prominent countries of the world are also struggling to deal with the corona virus. Physicians, nurses, or health workers are not exempt. Many doctors and nurses die every day due to lack of adequate health care. This coronavirus is spreading fast. As a result, the health system of every country is struggling to prevent the spread of this corona virus. Also, patients admitted with common cold, cough or other ailments are not getting proper treatment. As a result, the country's health system is collapsing.

International trade is almost non-existent

Every country in the world has commercial exchanges and everything is closed. Health policy is being fully followed in every country. Encouragement is being maintained to maintain social and physical distance. And for this reason, there are some strict guidelines in international trade and commerce. As a result, import and export from one country to another is stopped. International traffic by sea or air is blocked, posing a serious threat to international trade.

The future economy is under threat

Every country in the world is facing losses due to the closure of international imports and exports. The stock market has plunged to record lows during the lockdown in the last few days. Bangladesh's garment industry is one of the threats. Moreover, the activities of the country's tourism industry have been stopped, as a result of which the country will face financial losses. The picture is almost the same in almost every country. Almost all economic sources in all countries have been shut down. As a result, the future is now in the face of economic metabolism. Inflation is going to be noticed in countries like America. Thousands of such problems are being faced in different countries of the world. If this problem continues, the world economy will sink to its lowest point, is the idea of ​​the world's economists.

Food crisis

Due to this coronavirus outbreak, the world is going to face one of the food crises of the century. The World Food program (WFP) has warned that there could be a massive famine in the world, and that locust infestations in many parts of the world have destroyed crops. As a result, the World Food Program (WFP) had predicted a global food crisis. Last December, the corona virus in the city of One, China, took the form of an epidemic in the world today, and all activities in the world have come to a standstill. In the meantime, food production and all related activities have stopped. As a result, the World Food Program estimates that the world is going to face the biggest famine of the century.

Inactivity of education system

Outbreaks of coronavirus have been reported in almost all parts of the world. As a result, all the educational institutions in the world are closed. All educational institutions including schools, colleges and universities have been declared closed indefinitely. The education system of every country is completely inactive. Education is the backbone of the nation, but that education system is now closed due to the coronavirus epidemic. Almost all the students of each country are spending lazy time sitting at home. All types of educational activities are closed. As a result, students from all over the world are lagging behind in many ways.

Young people in the face of mental disaster

The presence of corona virus has been identified in different countries and regions of the world. Lockdowns exist in different regions or parts of almost every country in the world. As a result, young people are spending their days under house arrest. Stays within a certain boundary throughout the day. Young people are suffering from various ailments, they are spending their days under stress. 

As a result, they may show signs of long-term mental illness, according to the World Health Organization. In the future, various types of mental illness may occur in young people. For example, mood swings, increased tendency to become intoxicated, mild temper tantrums, irritable mood, imbalance, increased bad temper, decreased endurance, loss of thinking ability, increased anxiety, etc. It is already seen in different families that there is a monotony among the youth, which is causing various difficulties.


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